I'm not a super shy person. I was a professional dancer at an early age and have work in the theatre for the past 14 years. I'm used to changing in a room full of people, or in the wings, or backstage by a set of dressers. But one thing I can't get over is people who answer their cell phones in public restrooms.
My "day job" is at a major national airport. Lots of people come though, about 42,000 people per day. Aside from the frustration of being surrounded by tons of people at all times, when I go on break, normally to deal with a human matter, I never escape overhearing this :
"Hey, we are at the airport...Yeah, our flight was delayed, so we are about an hour late...Hold on, I have to flush."
The only thing that makes this situation worse is when the call in question is on speakerphone.
I shiver in disgust for the person on the phone, but I feel embarrassed for... me. I don't know this person on the phone (I don't like to get cozy with stallmates), and I don't know the person on the other end of the line, and I really don't want either of them to hear me peeing. Is that weird? In a world where public restrooms have doors that don't fit the frames and one has to deal with people peeking thru the cracks and children flipping upside down to peer at you from under the door, must one also guard themselves from the cell phone satellites. Is too much to ask, or expect, that making a call or taking a call in a public restroom is a tacky, disgusting thing to do? Where's the respect? If not for you then for the person on the phone. Must you share everything? Do you answer the phone during sex? I ask that, and I bet, there are some people who do. (Ah, I just freaked myself out.)
Next time you are out in a public place and you find yourself "relieving" yourself when your phone rings, do everyone a favor (and I mean everyone): Let it go to voicemail. Call them back in the two minutes it takes to finish and wash your hands. And please! Wash your hands! (We, the people, notice when you don't, and yes! We Are Judging!)
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