Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I went through this strange phase, in which, I mentally wrote all my blog posts and assumed that my amazing stories (getting a crowded bus to yell "Smoosh!" at each stop), keen observations ("I can see you peeing on that bike."), clever repartees ("Sir, I don't care who you are, where you came from, or how much your underwear cost but if don't stop drooling on my bar, I can't serve you."), and my general view on humanity (humanity is awesome, but, in general, we have some work to do) would be psychically/magically channeled to the Internet. I mean, really! Doesn't someone have an app for that? No?

This evening I had a chat with a very talented, over-worked and, therefore. successful, but tired colleague. I'm going to dramatize the conversation below:

Me: "I didn't recognize you with the beard! How are things?"

VTOWTSBT (very talented, overworked, therefore successful, but tired) "Oh, I am over worked and tired but successful. But tired. Did I tell you I was tired?"

Me: "I think there may be more gin at the bar. I like Eating and Drinking. And did I say Drinking?"

V: "Tired"

Me: "Eating and Drinking and Sleeping."

V: "But Success."

Me: "Sleeping and Drinking and Eating. Sometimes Breathing."

V: "Breathing?"

Me: "Its the thing I do between/during Drinking and Eating and Sleeping. I can help you practice."

V: "No, I'm tired and successful."

And damn, he should be. While I have been imagining success, he has been working for it. While I dream of food and wine and, oddly, sleeping, he has the DIM attitude. I'm tired of hearing about economy-saving techniques, "stay-cations", collapsed economies, DIYs, and all the other rhetorical bullshit that claims it will make me feel better but really it just petrified me into inertia. Lucky for me, this Very Talented Super Do-er reminded me that this is a unique time in history. We can make, unmake, better, worsen, cower, or shine in the quality of the future we build for ourselves by ourselves. Therefore, down with DIY, Do it Yourself. I'm gonna be a DIMer: Do It Myself-er.

1 comment:

Kymberlee della Luce said...

I love this so much. It's so good to find inspiration in our everyday heroes. (He's one of mine too.)

I might add that success is way more fun and well-lubricated when you don't try to do it alone.

These times allow us the opportunity to learn not only about our inner resources but also the wonder and grace of community.